Comparative degree adalah suatu cara untuk membandingkan sesuatu dalam bahasa Inggris. Comparative degree berfungsi untuk membandingkan perbedaan antara dua objek. Objek yang dimaksud bisa berupa makhluk hidup maupun benda mati, yang dimodifikasi seperti lebih besar, lebih kecil, lebih cepat, lebih tinggi, dan lain-lain.
Terdapat tiga jenis degreee of comparison. Dalam membandingkan dua hal, tidak hanya comparative tapi juga akan menemukan degree of comparison untuk positive, dan superlative. Jika, pada comparative menggunakan tambahan "er" dalam adjective-nya, maka untuk membentuk superlative kata sifatnya ditambahkan dengan "est".
Adapun dalam membentuk comparative dan superlative, bentuknya akan tergantung pada jumlah suku kata (syllables) dalam kata sifat aslinya. Penambahan imbuhan pada adjective juga harus memperhatikan, apakah kata sifat tersebut termasuk bentuk regular verb atau irregular verb.
Look and Say
Look at the following pictures! (Lihatlah gambar gambar di bawah ini!)
Say after your teacher! (Ucapkan setelah gurumu!)
1. Deer is faster than turtle. (Rusa lebih cepat dari kura-kura)
Turtle is slower than deer. (Kura-kura lebih lambat dari rusa)
2. Fajar is fatter than Dani. (Fajar lebih gemuk dari Dani)
Dani is thinner than Fajar. (Dani lebih kurus dari Fajar)
3. Snake is longer than trunk. (Ular lebih panjang dari belalai)
Trunk is shorter than snake. (Batang pohon lebih pendek dari ular)
4. Joyo is taller than Ihsan. (Joyo lebih tinggi dari Ihsan)
Ihsan is shorter than Joyo. (Ihsan lebih pendek dari Joyo)
5. Tiger is more ferocious than cat. (Harimau lebih ganas dari pada kucing)
Cat is tamer than tiger. (Kucing lebih jinak dari pada harimau)
Practice the Dialogue
Look at the dialogue below! (Lihatlah dialog di bawah ini!)
Practice it! (Praktekkanlah!)
Fajar : Hi, Ihsan. Is it your cat? (Hi Hasan. Apakah itu kucingmu?)
Hasan : Yes, It is. (Ya)
Fajar : It is cute. In fact, it is cuter than my cat. (Ini lucu. Faktanya, dia lebih lucu dari kucingku)
Hasan : Thank you, Fajar. I think your cat is cute. (Terima kasih Fajar. Menurutku kucingmu lucu)
Fajar : Do you have any other pets? (Apakah kamu memiliki hewan peliharaan lain?)
Hasan : Yes, I have. I have a turtle. It’s bigger than my cat. (Ya, saya memiliki seekor kura-kura. Ini lebih besar dari kucingku.)
Fajar : I don’t have any pet besides my cat. (Saya tidak punya hewan peliharaan selain kucing saya)
Hasan : I think one cat is enough, Fajar. (Menurutku satu kucing saja sudah cukup, Fajar)
Make a Dialogue
Look at the picture below! (LIhatlah gambar di bawah ini!)
Make a dialogue based on the picture! (Buatlah dialog berdasarkan gambar!)
Look at the example!(Lihatlah contohnya!)
A: Which one is taller, Giraffe or buffalo?
B: Giraffe is taller than buffalo
A: Which one is shorter, Giraffe or buffalo?
B: Buffalo is shorter than giraffe
1. (Strong – Weak)
A: Which one is stronger, Soni or Sandi?B: Soni is taller than Sandi.A: Which one is weaker, Soni or Sandi?B: Sandi is weaker than Soni.
2. (Fast – slow)
A: Which one is faster, snail or deer?B: Deer is taller than snailA: Which one is slower, snail or deer?B: Snail is slower than deer.
3. (Tall-short)
A: Which one is taller, Siti or Murni?B: Siti is taller than Murni.A: Which one is shorter, Siti or Murni?B: Murni is shorter than Siti.
4. (Old – Young)
A: Which one is older, Mr. Yusuf or Harun?B: Mr. Yusuf is older than Yusuf.A: Which one is younger, Mr. Yusuf or Harun?B: Harun is younger than Mr. Yusuf.
5. (Cheap-Expensive)
A: Which one is cheaper, slippers or shoes?B: Slippers is cheaper than shoes.A: Which one is expensiver, slippers or shoes?B: Shoes is expensiver than slippers.
Compare your Friend
Answer the questions with the name of your friend! (Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan nama temanmu!)
1. Who is more intelligent than you?
Answer: Andi is more intellegent than me.
2. Who is taller than you?
Answer: Wawan is taller than me
3. Who is bigger than you?
Answer: I am bigger than Susi.
4. Who is richer than you?
Answer: Helena Lim is richer than me
5. Who is more intelligent than you?
Answer: Harvey Moeis is more intellegent than me.
Answer the Questions
Look at the pictures! (LIhatlah gambar di bawah ini!)
Answer the questions! (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaannya!)
Is deer wilder than tiger?
No, it isn’t
Is tiger bigger than deer?
Yes, it is
Is rhino more powerful than rabbit?
Yes, it is
Is rabbit faster than rhino
Yes, it is
Is Tono bigger than Tini?
Yes, he is
Is Tini fatter than Tono?
No, she is not
Is the car newer than the motorcycle?
No, it isn’t
Which one is newer?
The motorcycle
Is newspaper thicker than novel?
No, it isn’t
Which one is thinner?
Read the Text
Read the following text carefully! (Bacalah teks berikut secara saksama!)
Read it with your friend! (Bacalah bersama teman-temanmu!)
I have two pet cats named Kobli and Koil
Kobil is bigger than Koil
I think Koil is cuter than Kobil
Koil is Faster than Kobil
Kobil is lazier than Koil
I love my cat
I always take care of those two
Sometimes I teach them a trick
I love them very much.
Answer the questions! (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini!) Based on the text above! (Sesuai dengan teks di atas!)
What pet does the writer have?
Two cats
How many pets does the writer have?
Two pets
Who is bigger?
Who is Lazier?
Does the writer love her pets?
Yes, she does
Look and Match
Look at the following table! (Lihatlah table di bawah ini!)
Match with the Indonesian translation! (Cocokkan dengan terjemahan Bahasa Indonesianya!)
Student Activity
Practice the dialogue! (Praktekkan dialog!)
Bayu : Good morning TristanTristan : Good Morning bayu. Look at your jeans. I like itBayu : Really? I feel more confident when I am wearing that jacketTristan : This jacket suits you. How much does it cost?Bayu : It’s only 150.000 rupiahsTristan : Wow, this jacket is cheaper than mine. Where do you buy it?Bayu : I buy it in Denny’sTristan : I want to buy that jacketBayu : Let me accompany you to the Denny’s
Formative Assessment
Write the comparative degree based on the words below! (Tulis perbandingan berdasarkan kata-kata berikut!)
1. Meat/expensive/potatoes
Answer: Meat is more expensive than potatoes
2. The Channel/wide/The Pacific Ocean.
Answer: The channel is wider than pacific ocean
3. Patrick /generous/Thomas.
Answer: Patrick is more generous than Thomas
4. My suitcase/heavy/yours.
Answer: My suitcase is heavier than yours
5. Japanese/difficult/Italian
Answer: Japanese is more difficult than italian
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