Jika diartikan secara harfiah, kata “tall” berarti tinggi dan termasuk dari jenis kata sifat atau adjective. Nah, “tinggi” yang dimaksud pada “tall” adalah panjangnya benda dari dasar sampai puncaknya. Artinya, kata “tall” bisa digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan benda maupun orang yang ramping, menjulang, dan tidak lebar. Misalnya, “Tall woman”, “Tall tree”, “Tall pillar”, “Tall giraffe”, dan lain sebagainya.
Look and Say
Mr. Abu is a strong man. (Tuan ABu adalah orang yang kuat)
Rita is a beautiful girl. (Rita adalah seorang gadis cantik)
Elephant is a big animal. (Gajah adalah hewan yang besar)
Ant is a small animal. (Semut adalah hewan yang kecil)
Mr. Fahriza is an old person. (Tuan Fahriza adalah orang yang sudah tua)
Practice the Dialogue
Look at the dialogue below! (LIhatlah dialog di bawah ini!)
Practice it! (Praktekkanlah!)
Do the Crosswords
Look at the crosswords below! (lihatlah teka teki silang di bawah ini!)
Answer with the antonym of the words below! (Jawablah dengan lawan kata dari kata kata di bawah ini!)
3. ugly = beatiful
4. funny = serious
8. thin = thick
1. skinny = fat
2. narrow = wide
3. small = big
4. tall = short
5. young = old
Make a Dialogue
Look at the picture below! (LIhatlah gambar di bawah ini!)
Make a dialogue based on the picture! (Buatlah dialog berdasarkan gambar di bawah ini!)
Look at the example! (Lihatlah contoh di bawah ini!)
A: Look at the giraffe. What do you think of a giraffe?
B: I think it’s tall
Gambar 1
A: Look at the snake. What do you think of a snake?B: I think it’s long
Gambar 2
A: Look at the boy. What do you think of a boy?B: I think he is fat
Gambar 3
A: Look at the boy. What do you think of a boy?B: I think he is strong
Gambar 4
A: Look at the snail. What do you think of a snail?B: I think it’s slow
Gambar 5
A: Look at the woman. What do you think of a woman?B: I think he is old
Look and Answer
Look at the pictures and then answer the questions! (Lihatlah gambar berikut dan jawab pertanyaannya!)
Is the boy tall?
Yes, he is
Is the girl short?
Yes she is
Gambar 1
Is the deer slow?No, it isn’tIs the turtle slow?Yes, it is
Gambar 2
Is Mr.Jupri old?Yes, he isIs Sinta young?Yes, she is
Gambar 3
Is the rhino big?Yes, it isIs the kitten small?Yes, it is
Gambar 4
Are the sandals dirty?Yes, they areAre the shoes clean?Yes, they are
Gambar 5
Is the snake long?Yes, it isIs the cartepillar short?Yes, it is
Do the Wordsearch
Look at the wordsearch below! (Lihatlah wordsearch di bawah ini!)
Do it! (Kerjakanlah!)
Describe the Thing
Look at the following picture! (Lihatlah gambar berikut!)
Describe the animal side in three sentences. (Jelaskan hewan di samping dalam tiga kalimat)
Use one adjective in each sentence. (Gunakan satu adjective dalam tiap kalimat)
Contoh Kalimat :
The Elephant is a large animalThe Elephant have a long trunkThe Elephant have short tails
Read the Text
Look at the text below! (Lihatlah teks di bawah ini!)
Read it carefully! (Bacalah dengan saksama!)
Hello, my name is Tina.
Today I will tell you about my bag.
I like my bag.
My bag is huge so I can carry many things.
The color of my bag is black.
I bought this bag three years ago.
My father bought it as a gift for my birthday.
The bag is made of leather.
Answer the Questions
Look at the questions below! (Lihatlah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini!)
Answer the questions! (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaannya!)
What is the color of Tina’s bag?
Who bought Tina’s bag?
Tina’s father
Is the bag huge?
Yes, it is
Why did Tina’s father give her bag?
As a birthday present
What is the bag made of?
A leather
Student Activity
Answer the questions correctly (Jawab pertanyaan dengan benar)
1. What is the opposite of long?
2. What is the synonym of happy?
3. What is the synonym of big?
4. What is the antonym of large?
5. What is the antonym of heavy?
Project Tasks
Do it together! (Lakukan tugas berikut secara bersama-sama!)
Indonesian students are able to cooperate with each other in doing the task so they can finish the task effectively.(Murid Indonesia bisa bekerja sama satu sama lain dalam mengerjakan tugas sehingga mereka bisa menyelesaikan tugas dengan efektif)
Do the following steps (Lakukan langkah langkah di bawah ini)
- Make a group of two people (Buatlah kelompok yang terdiri dari 2 orang)
- Choose one thing and write sentences that describe the thing (pilihlah satu benda dan tulislah 5 kalimat yang mendeskripsikan benda tersebut)
- Use adjective in each sentences. Then, present your work in font of the class (gunakan adjective di tiap kalimat. Lalu, presentasikan tugas tersebut di depan kelas)
Giraffes are the tallest of all land animals. They have a long neck and long legs. Giraffes have such long necks and legs because of a process called natural selection. With their long necks, giraffes can reach the leaves of tall trees to eat. Giraffes have long legs. Their legs are about six feet long, which is longer than the average human.
Demikian pembahasan mengenai Bahasa Inggris kelas V Kurikulum Merdeka Chapter 2 How Tall Are You?. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat.
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