Berikut ini adalah part yang ada di kepala manusia: Face: Wajah, Hair: Rambut, Forehead: Dahi, Eyes (Plural): Mat, Eyeball: Bola mata, Eyebrows (Plural): Alis, Eyelash: Bulu mata, Eyelid: Kelopak mata, Temple: Pelipis, Ears (Plural): Telinga, Earlobe: Daun telinga, Nose: Hidung, Nostril: Lubang hidung, Mouth: Mulut, Lips: Bibir, Teeth (Plural): Gigi, Tongue: Lidah, Cheeks (Plural): Pipi, Chin: Dagu, Jaw: Rahang, Mustache: Kumis, Beard: Jenggot, Adam’s apple: Jakun, dan Neck: Leher.
Selanjutnya , kita akan turun untuk mengetahui nama-nama anggota tubuh bagian bawah leher. Berikut list-nya: Shoulder: Pundak, Chest: Dada, Breast: Payud*ra, Stomach/Belly/Tummy/Abdomen: Perut, Belly button: Pusar, Back: Punggung, Arm: Lengan, Upper Arm: Lengan atas, Forearm: Lengan bawah, Armpit: Ketiak, Elbow: Siku, Hands: Tangan, dan Waist: Pinggang.
Selanjynya setelah mengenal anggota tubuh manusia bagian body, mari kita lanjut ke bagian bawah atau lower, gengs! Berikut nama-nama body parts-nya: Hip: Panggul, Buttocks: Pantat, Groin: Kunci paha, Thigh: Paha, Leg: Kaki, Knee: Lutut, dan Calf: Betis
Lihatlah gambar. Gambar tersebut menunjukan sebuah tangan. Kita menggunakan tangan untuk mengambil sesuatu. Pada bagian ini kita akan belajar tentang bagian tubuh dan fungsinya. Dengen mengenal bagian tubuh, kita akan dapat menjaga tubuh kita. Mari kita pelajari bagian ini dengan sungguh-sungguh. (Look at the picture. The picture shows a hand. We use hand to pick something. This chapter, we will learn about body and its function. By knowing about body and its function. We will be able to take care of our body. So, let’s learn this chapter carefully)
Look and Say
Say after your teacher! (Ucapkan setelah gurumu!)
This is a hand. We use it to hold something.
This is an eye. We use it to see something
These are lungs. We use them to breathe
This is nose We use it to smell something
This is foot We use it to kick something
Listen and Match
Look at the pictures below! (LIhatlah gambar di bawah ini!) Match with what your teacher is saying! (Cocokkan dengan apa yang gurumu ucapkan!)
Practice the dialogue
Look at the dialogue below! (Lihatlah dialog di bawah ini!)
Practice it! (Praktekkanlah!)
After reading the dialogue above! (Setelah membaca dialog di atas!)
Determine the parts of the body that work together based on the dialogue! (Tentukan bagian bagian tubuh yang bekerja sama berdasarkan dialog di atas!)
Hands and Feet (tangan dan kaki)
Write in the upright Letter
Look at the sentences below! (Lihatlah kalimat di bawah ini!)
Write with the upright letter! (Tulis dengan huruf tegak bersambung!)
1. I have two hands
2. Nina has one nose
3. We use nose to breathe
4. We use eyes to see
5. These are fee
Do the Crosswords
Look at the crosswords below! (Lihatlah teka teki silang di bawah ini!)
Do it! (Lakukanlah!)
A: What is it?
B: It is an eye
A: What is the function of eye?
B: We use it to see something
A: What is it?B: It is a noseA: What is the function of nose?B: We use it to smell somethingA: What is it?B: It is a teethA: What is the function of teeth?B: We use it to bite somethingA: What is it?B: It is a footA: What is the function of foot?B: We use it to kick somethingA: What is it?B: It is a handA: What is the function of hand?B: We use it to hold something.A: What is it?B: It is a mouthA: What is the function of mouth?B: We use it to eat something.
Student Activity
Arrange the letters bellow! (Susunlah huruf-huruf berikut!)
1. D – E –A – H = HEAD2. R –A – I – H = HAIR3. D – A – H – N = HAND4. I – N – G – E – R – F = FINGER5. T – O – F – O = FOOT6. S – E – Y – E = EYES7. E – S – O – N = NOSE8. R – E – D – O – H – S – L – U =SHOULDER9. H – C – O – T – S – A – M = STOMACH10. O – O – H – T – T = TOOTH
Answer the questions below!
1. What is the function of hands?
To hold something
2. How do we kick something?
By our feet
3. What is the thing to tidy up our hair?
It is a comb
4. Where do we place the necklace?
In the neck
5. Where do we place the ring?
On the ring finger
Demikian pembahasan mengenai Parts Our Body That Work Together. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat
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