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Chapter 3 He Always Gets Up at 5 O’clock

Chapter 3 He Always Gets Up at 5 O’clock merupakan salah satu bab dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas IV Kurikulum Merdeka. Tujuan pembelajaran kali ini adalah setelah mempelajari bab ini, peserta didik diharapkan mampu:mempelajari penggunaan adverb of frequency; mengidentifikasi kalimat yang menggunakan adverb of frequency; serta menyusun kalimat menggunakan adverb of frequency.

Adverb of frequency adalah kata atau frasa yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan oleh seseorang. Adverb of frequency memberikan informasi tentang frekuensi atau tingkat kebiasaan suatu peristiwa. Adverb of frequency yang sering digunakan antara lain: Always (selalu), Often (sering), Usually (biasanya), Sometimes (kadang-kadang), Occasionally (sesekali), Rarely (jarang), Seldom (jarang), dan Never (tidak pernah)

Adverb of frequency terbagi menjadi dua jenis berdasarkan spesifikasi waktunya, yaitu adverb of definite frequency dan adverb of indefinite frequency. Adverb of definite frequency digunakan dengan memperhatikan frekuensi suatu peristiwa atau kejadian dengan waktu yang spesifik. Keterangan waktu ini harus sudah dijelaskan kapan peristiwa itu kerap terjadi. Frasa yang termasuk adverb of definite frequency, yaitu hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, every, yearly, every second, twice a year, once a minute, twice, once, atau three time. Adverb of indefinite frequency tidak perlu mengetahui waktu yang spesifik. Keterangan waktu yang dimaksud yaitu waktu perkiraan atau rentang waktu yang kerap terjadi.

Look and Say
Look at the pictures and say. (Lihat gambar dan ucapkan!)
Chapter 3
1. Lintang always gets up early in the morning.
2. My brother usually takes a bath at six o’clock in the morning.
3. Andini usually has breakfast at a quarter past six.
4. My grandfather sometimes reads a newspaper at seven o’clock.
5. Bayu sometimes plays video game after school.
6. My father usually goes to work at a half past seven

Look and Write
Make three sentences about your daily activities in your task book. (Buatlah tiga kalimat tentang kegiatan sehari-harimu di buku tugasmu!)
1. I wake up at 6:30 AM and start my day.
2. Afternoons are usually busy with meetings and tasks.
3. I use the evening to catch up on personal tasks, read, or watch a TV show.

Listen and Circle
Listen carefully and circle the correct answer. (Dengarkan dengan saksama dan lingkarilah jawaban yang benar!)
Listening script:
1. Putri Amelia always tidies the bedroom. (C)
2. Bagas and Andi always go to school by bike. (C)
3. My uncle sometimes reads a newspaper in the morning.(B)
Read and Match
Look at the pictures and match with the correct sentences. After that read the sentences  aloud. (Lihat gambar dan sesuaikan dengan kalimat yang benar. Setelah itu, baca kalimat tersebut  dengan lantang!)
A. Natasya sometimes sings a song in the bedroom.
B. Mrs. Wulandari usually mops the floors on Saturday.
C. My uncle sometimes goes to the park to go jogging on Sunday morning.
D. Bayu frequently listens to the music in the afternoon.
E. Ryan and Budi sometimes play games on their smartphones.
F. My grandfather sometimes reads magazine in the morning.

Answer :
1. My uncle some times goes to the park to go jogging on Sunday morning. (C)
2. My grandfather sometimes reads magazine in the morning. (F)
3. Bayu frequently listens to the music in the afternoon. (D)
4. Natasya sometimes sings a song in the bedroom. (A)
5. Ryan and Budi sometimes play games on their smartphones. (E)
6. Mrs. Wulandari usually mops the floors on Saturday. (B)
Let’s Write 
Write sentences based on the pictures. Use: "always", "usually", or, "sometimes". (Tulis kalimat berdasarkan gambar. Gunakan: "always", "usually", atau "sometimes"!)
Answer :
1. My father sometimes picking mangoes in the garden.
2. Rika always watering the plants every day.
3. I usually play marbles with my friend.

Skill Test
Read and answer based on the pictures. (Bacalah dan jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan gambar!)
Skill Test
1. Look at the picture.
What does your brother always do in the bathroom?
Answer: He always takes a bath in the bathroom
2. Look at the picture.
What do your aunt and her daughter usually do in the kitchen?
Answer: They usually cook in the kitchen.
3. Look at the picture.
What do your father and mother frequently do in the living room?
Answer: They frequently watch television in the living room.
4. Look at the picture.
Where does your little sister usually take a nap?
Answer: She usually takes a nap in the bedroom.
5. Look at the picture.
Where do you grandfather and grandmother sometimes pick the fruits?
Answer: They sometimes pick the fruits in the garden.
Demikian pembahasan mengenai Chapter 3 He Always Gets Up at 5 O’clock. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat.
Posted by Nanang_Ajim
Mikirbae.com Updated at: 5:47 PM

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