Look and say
Peserta didik mampu melafalkan kata dan kalimat tentang kata sifat superlatif dengan tepat dan benar.
Look at the picture and say the sentences.
1. The giraffe is the tallest.(Jerapah yang paling tinggi)
a The rabbit is the shortest.(Kelinci yang paling pendek)
2. The elephant is the biggest.(Gajah yang paling besar)
The mouse is the smallest.(Tikus yang terkecil)
The ruler is the longest.(Penggaris yang terpanjang)
The pencil is the shortest.(Pinsil yang terpendek)
Cici’s grandma is the oldest.(Nenek yang tertua)
Lili is the youngest.(Lili yang termuda)
The bag is the oldest.(Tas yang tertua)
The tie is the newest.(Dasi yang terbaru)
The bear is the fattest.(Beruang yang tercepat)
The monkey is the thinnest.(Kera yang paling kurus)
The pair of shoes are the cheapest.(Sepatu yang termurah)
The bag is the most expensive.(Tas yang paling mahal)
Look and write
Peserta didik mampu menuliskanjawaban pertanyaan tentang kata sifat superlatif dengan tepat dan benar.
Look at the picturesand write the answers.
Is the deer the shortest? No, it is not.
How is the cat compared to the giraffe?
The cat is shorter than the giraffe.
Which is the tallest? The giraffe is the tallest.
2. Is the buffalo the biggest? No, it is not.
How is the horse compared to the mouse?
The horse is bigger than the buffalo.
Which is the smallest?
The mouse is the smallest.
3. Is Lili the youngest? Yes, she is.
How is Cici compared to her mother?
Cici is younger than her mother.
Who is the oldest?
The mother is the oldest.
4. Is the rabbit the fattest? No, it is not.
How is the mouse compared to the rabbit?
The mouse is thinner that the rabbit.
Which is the fattest?
The bear is the fattest.
5. Is the ruler the shortest? No, it is not.
How is the stick compared to the ruler?
The stick is longer than the ruler.
Which is the shortest?
The red pencil is the shortest.
6. Are the red trousers the cheapest? No, it is not.
How are the blue trousers compared to the red trousers?
The blue trousers is cheaper than the red trousers.
Which are the most expensive?
The most expensive is the purple trousers.
Let’s play
Peserta didik mampu bermain berkelompok untuk menguatkan pemahaman mereka mengenai penggunaan kata sifat superlatif dengan tepat dan benar.
Take a card and ask your friends.
Contoh pertanyaan :- "Whish is the shortest?
- "Which is the longest?"
- "Which is the tallest?"
- “Which is the biggest?"
- "Which is the oldest?"
- "Which is the youngest?"
- "Which is the fattest?"
- "Which is the most expensive?"
- "Which is the cheapest?"
- "Which is the newest?"
Look and arrange
Peserta didik mampu menyusun kata menjadi kalimat yang tepat dan benar.
Look at the pictures and arrange the words.
1. rabbit - shortest - the - is - the : The rabbit is the shortest.
tallest - is - giraffe - the - the : The giraffe is the tallest.
2. the - is - the - hipopotamus - biggest: The hipopotamus is the biggest.
smallest - is - goat - the - the : The goat is the smallest.
3. Cici's mother - oldest - the - is : Cici's mother is the oldest.
is - Cici's sister - youngest - the: Cici's sister is the youngest.
4. fattest - the - bear - is - the : The bear is the fattest.
mouse - the - is - thinnest - the : The mouse is the thinnest.
5. cheapest - the - pink bag - the - is : The pink bag is the cheapest.
the - is - most - green bag - expensive - the : The green bag is the most expensive.
6. longest - the - stick - is - the : The stick is the longest.
the - ruler - shortest - is - the : The ruler is the shortest.
Let’s find out
Peserta didik mampu melakukan kegiatan pengamatan dan menulis laporan tentang tinggi badan, berat badan, dan umur temannya dengan tepat dan benar.
Ask your friend and write the report.
No. | Name | Height (cm) | Weigh (kg) | Age (years) |
1. | Aisyah | 139 | 29 | 11 |
2. | Cici | 142 | 33 | 9 |
3. | Joshua | 137 | 34 | 10 |
4. | Ujang | 150 | 40 | 12 |
Report :
Tall - short
- Ujang is taller than Joshua.
- Aisyah is shorter than Cici.
- Ujang is the tallest.
- Aisyah is the shortest.
Fat - thin
- Ujang is fatter than Cici.
- Cici is thinner than Joshua.
- Ujang is the fattest.
- Aisyah is the thinnest.
Report :
Old - young
- Aisyah is older than Cici.
- Joshua is younger than Ujang.
- Ujang is the oldest.
- Cici is the youngest.
Look and write
Peserta didik mampu melengkapi kalimat rumpang tentang kata sifat superlatif dengan tepat dan benar.
Look at the picture and complete the gaps.
Use these words to complete the gaps.
tallest - shorter - bigger - smallest - fatter- biggest
In The ForestMade and Joshua are at a forest.They see many animals.There are an elephant, a giraffe, a deer, a cow, a bird, a cock, a sheep, a buffalo, and a monkey. Look!The cow is fatter than the sheep. The deer is shorter than the giraffe.The buffalo is bigger than the monkey. The elephant is the biggest.The bird is smallest.The giraffe is the tallest.
Look and answer
Peserta didik mampu menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks bergambar dengan tepat dan benar.
Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1. Is Cici the youngest? No, she is not.
2. How is Ujang compared to Aisyah?Ujang is older, taller, and heavier than Aisyah.
3. Who is the fattest? Ujang is the fattest.
4. Is Cici the tallest? No, she is not.
5. Is Cici younger than Lili? No, she is not.
6. Who is the tallest? Ujang is the tallest.
7. Who is the shortest? Lili is the shortest.
8. Is Ujang older than Cici? Yes, he is.
9. Who is the youngest? Lili is the youngest.
10. Who is the oldest? Ujang is the oldest.
Let’s write
Peserta didik mampu menulis cerita pendek tentang keluarganya yang berkaitan dengan ajektiva superlative dengan tepat dan benar.
Today is Sunday morning. We are sit together in the living room. I have one brother and one sister. Udin is my brother. Dewi is my sister. Dewi plays with the doll. Udin is the oldest. He is 14 years old. He is 157cm. Dewi is 5 years old. She is 90 cm. She is the youngest. I am 11 years old. I am younger than my brother Udin.
My new words
Peserta didik dan guru mampu melakukan kegiatan penguatan dengan mengucapkan dan mengingat kembali materi pembelajaran dalam unit ini
the tallest -the fattest-the shortest-the thinnest-the newest-the slowest-the biggest - the fastest - the smallest - the cheapest - the oldest - the most expensive - the youngest
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