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Unit 8 The giraffe is taller than the deer

Tujuan Pembelajaran unit 8 adalah peserta didik mampu menggunakan kata sifat perbandingan untuk menjelaskan ciri manusia, binatang, dan benda-benda lainnya. Peserta didik mampu menggunakan kalimat dengan pola tertentu dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berinteraksi pada lingkup situasi sosial dan kelas yang makin luas, namun masih dapat diprediksi atau bersifat rutin (rutin). Peserta didik mampu mengomunikasikan ide dan pengalamannya melalui salinan tulisan dan tulisan sederhana mereka sendiri, serta menunjukkan perkembangan pemahaman terhadap proses menulis. Mereka menunjukkan kesadaran awal bahwa teks dalam bahasa Inggris ditulis dengan kaidah (konvensi) yang disesuaikan dengan konteks dan tujuannya.

Look and say
Peserta didik mampu melafalkan kata dan kalimat tentang kata sifat perbandingan dengan tepat dan benar.
Look at the picturesand say the sentences.
Cici and Grandma
  • The giraffe is taller than deer.(Jerapah lebih tinggi daripada rusa)
  • The deer is shorter than giraffe. (Rusa lebih pendek daripada jerapah)
  • The elephant is bigger than the deer.(Gajah lebih besar daripada rusa)
  • The deer is smaller than the elephant.(Rusa lebih kecil daripada gajah)
  • The stick is longer than the ruler.(Tongkat lebih panjang daripada mistar)
  • The ruler is shorter than the stick.(Mistar lebih pendek daripada tongkat)
  • Grandma is older than Cici.(Nenek lebih tua daripada Cici)
  • Cici is younger than grandma.(Cici lebih muda daripada nenek)
  • The shirt is older than the pair of trousers.(Baju lebih usang daripada celana panjang)
  • The pair of trousers is newer than the shirt.(Celana panjang lebih baru daripada baju)
  • The cow is fatter than the horse.(Sapi lebih gemuk daripada kuda)
  • The horse is thinner than the cow.(Kuda lebih kurus daripada sapi)
  • The deer runs faster than the snail.(Rusa berlari lebi cepat daripada siput)
  • The snail walks slower than the deer.(Siput berjalan lebih lambat daripada rusa)
  • The brown bag is cheaper than the blue bag.(Tas cokelat lebih murah daripada tas biru)
  • The blue bag is more expensive than the brown bag.(Tas biru lebih mahal daripada tas cokelat)

Look and write 
Peserta didik mampu menuliskan jawaban pertanyaan tentang kata sifat perbandingan dengan tepat dan benar.
Look at the picturesand write the answers.
1. Is the rabbit smaller than the goat? (Apakah kelinci lebih kecil dari kambing?)
Yes, it is.(Ya)
Which animal is taller? (Mana hewan yang lebih tinggi. )
The goat is taller than the rabbit.(Kambing lebih tinggi daripada kelinci)

2. Is the deer shorter than the giraffe?(Apakah rusa lebih pendek dari jerapah)
Yes, it is.(ya)
Which animal is taller? (Mana hewan yang lebih tinggi)
The giraffe is taller than the deer.(Jerapah lebih tinggi daripada rusa)

3. Is the buffalo bigger than the horse?(Apakah kerbau lebih besar daripada kuda)
Yes, it is.(Ya)
Which animal is smaller? (Man hewan yang lebih kecil)
The horse is smaller than the buffalo.(Kuda lebih kecil daripada kerbau)

4. Is Cici shorter than Lili? (Apakah Cici lebih pendek dari Lili)
No, it is not.(Tidak)
Which one is taller? (Siapa yang lebih tinggi)
Cici is taller than Lili.(Cici lebih tinggi daripada Lili)

5. Is the car newer than the bus?(Apakah mobil lebih baru daripada bis)
No, it is not.(Tidak)
Which one is older? (Mana yang lebih tua/usang)
The car is older than the bus.(Mobil lebih tua daripada bus)

6. Is the cat fatter than the mouse? (Apkah kucing lebih gemuk daripada tikus)
No, it is not.
Which animalis smaller? (Hewan mana yang lebih kecil)
The mouse is smaller than the cat.(Tikus lebih kecil daripada kucing)

7. Is the ruller shorter than the stick?(Apakah mistar lebih pendek daripada tongkat)
Yes, it is.(Ya)
Which one is longer?(Hewan mana yang lebih panjang)
The stick is longer than the ruller.(Tongkat lebih panjang daripada tongkat)

8. Are the blue shoes cheaper than the red shoes? (Apakah sepatu biru lebih murah daripada sepatu merah)
Yes, it is.(Ya)
Which one is more exprnsive?(Sepatu mana yang lebih mahal)
The red shoes is more expensive than the blue shoes.(Sepatu merah lebih mahal daripada sepatu biru)

Let’s play
Peserta didik mampu bermain berkelompok untuk memperkuat pemahaman yang benar mengenai penggunaan kata sifat perbandingan.
Take your card and ask your friend!

Look and write
Peserta didik mampu menuliskan jawaban pertanyaan tentang kata sifat perbandingan dengan tepat dan benar.
Look at the picture and answer the question.
Bolo dan Kono
Let’s compare these two monsters!
1. Which monster has smaller eyes?
Monster that has smaller eyes is Koonoo.
2. Which monster has bigger eyes?
Monster that has bigger eyes is Booloo.
3. Which monster has bigger arms?
Monster that has bigger armsis Booloo.
4. Which monster has longer feet?
Monster that has longer feet is Koonoo.
5. Which monster has smaller ears?
Monster that has smaller ears is Koonoo.
6. Which monster has a bigger mouth?
Monster that has bigger mouth is Booloo.

Look and answer
Peserta didik mampu menuliskanjawaban pertanyaan tentang ajektiva komparatif dengan tepat dan benar. 
Look at the picture and answer the question!
Look and Answer
1. How is the elephant compared to the rabbit?
Answer: It is bigger than the rabbit.
How is the rabbit compared to the elephant?
Answer: It is smaller than the elephant.
2. How is the cow compared to the goat?
Answer: It is taller than the goat.
How is the goat compared to the cow?
Answer: It is shorter than the cow.
3. How is the buffalo compared to the horse?
Answer: It is bigger than the horse.
How is the horse compared to the buffalo?
Answer: It is smaller than the buffalo.
4. How is grandma compared to Cici?
Answer: Grandma is older than Cici.
How is Cici compared to grandma?
Answer: Cici is younger than Grandma.
5. How is the car compared to the bus?
Answer: It is newer than the bus.
How is the bus compared to the car?
Answer: It is older than the car.
6. How is the cat compared to the mouse?
Answer: It is fatter than the mouse.
How is the mouse compared to the cat?
Answer: It is smaller than the cat.
7. How is the stick compared to the ruler?
Answer: It is longer than the ruler.
How is the ruler compared to the stick?
Answer: It is shorter than the stick.
8. How is the blue shirt compared to the brown shirt?
Answer: It is cheaper than the brown shirt.
How is the brown shirt compared to the blue shirt?
Answer: It is more expensive than the blue shirt.

My new word
Peserta didik dan guru mampu melakukan kegiatan penguatan dengan mengucapkan dan mengingat kembali materi pembelajaran dalam unit ini.
Smaller than (lebih kecil) - cheaper than (lebih murah) - thinner than (lebih kurus) - taller than (lebih tinggi) - more expensive than (lebih mahal) - longer than (lebih panjang) - younger than (lebih muda) - bigger than (lebih besar) - older than (lebih tua) - faster than (lebih cepat) - shorter than (lebih pendek) - fatter than (lebih gemuk) - newer than(lebih baru) - slower than (lebih lambat)
Posted by Nanang_Ajim
Mikirbae.com Updated at: 6:35 PM

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